Saturday, September 26, 2009

Identity Theft

Ok to be honest, I didn't know quite what to think when I first heard about "Identity Theft" and how it related to me!

Since a really good friend had 'recommended' that I watch the video about Identity Theft I did so and my eyes were opened.

The BBB (Better Business Bureau) is having a hard time keeping up with this huge trend of theft. You have probably seen the commercials on TV about people having their identities stolen, some of them contain a humorous content, but this is definitely no laughing matter.

What most people don't realize is that if your "identity" gets violated it can tarnish lots more than just your 'new bills', it can leave a huge "footprint" of negativity about YOU.

Let me explain just a little more....having someone 'steal your identity' also means that they mess up your credit. Even though most credit card companies will 'reimburse' the purchases made, your credit score will also plummet.

This can take years to get your credit score back up.

So I highly recommend that you check out the video Right HERE and get the full scoop of what "Identity Theft" is and how you can protect yourself. Like I said, I'm not a salesperson, but I do care about people and their families. You have nothing to lose...well actually you Do have Everything to Lose, but properly protected you and your family can take steps to protect yourselves and your loved ones.

Chris Lebel is a log-scaler, new internet marketer, dad to six, and HabFan!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi & welcome to my blog.

My name is Christian Lebel and I live in Beautiful BC Canada.

A few months ago our BC economy took a dive in the Logging industry.

What a crazy time.

Mills have been going part-time, part shifts and in some instances closing down all together.

Just to let you know, I have no computer I'm not here to tell you I'm an expert...Far from it actually, but I wasn't going to let my personal situation change my lifestyle.

Last year I was introduced to a product by a good friend....called Pre-paidLegal.

I thought it was awesome and showed it to my spouse (who by the way does know something about business...she's a Personal Business Coach and Trainer) and she agreed with me that this was something EVERY PERSON/FAMILY needs. And something that I, a complete newbie to business, could promote easily!

We bought in at a business level (always the smartest thing to do) so that we could help our friends and family right away!

Immediately we saw results & have used the services many times too! Like saving over $350 when we bought our new house on Legal Fee's!

Anyhow check out our site! Preview the movie as it can answer any questions you may have waaayyyyyy better than me! If it interests you more..leave me your name and number and I'll definitely get back to you!